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Meetings Programme 2023 - 2024

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month

7.30pm - 9.30pm

The Denbigh Room, Lutterworth Town Hall, Lutterworth

Writing for the tasks should be a maximum of 1000 words and can be in any style (Short Story, Flash Fiction, Poetry etc. unless otherwise stated)

26th September




Devising a Critiquing Tool for use in the group

24th October

'It started with a Bang'

Write a short story, poem or piece of flash fiction incorporating the theme or title of

'It started with a Bang' 


Maximum 1000 words

28th November 2023

NON Fiction

Write a piece of NON Fiction

ie. Memoir, Article, Diary Entry, News Article.


Any topic you wish


Maximum 1000 words

12th December

Write a piece of flash fiction with a festive theme

Maximum 500 words

Work will be read blind, with a secret vote to choose a winner who'll receive a prize


Bring along festive food & snacks for a social get together

Christmas Flash Fiction & Social

23rd January 2024

'What if there

were no .....'

Write using

'What if there were no.....'

in any way you wish


Maximum 1000 words in any style

27th February


'Where there's a will, there's a way'

Write using the above phrase in any way you wish, title, theme, opening line etc


Maximum 1000 words in any style


Plus launch of our annual Short Story Competition

26th March

Speaker Evening

My work in Progress


Group member

Judith Cooper

will be talking about writing her historical novel 

as well as reading extracts from it



Closing date of our Short Story Competition



6th April

1.30pm -4.30pm



Finding Poetry 



Gary Carr


Poet and Writing Mentor




Denbigh Room

Lutterworth Town hall

Cost £20.00 per person including Tea & Coffee





for booking information

23rd April

Annual Short Story Competition results



Dave Martin

28th May

Write a Poem

Write a poem, any style, maximum 40 lines using one of the photogrpahs as a prompt

25th June

Write on the Night

Bring along 2 small items, members will select one that someone else has brought then write about it for 15 minutes  before we read to the group

Summer Social



To be Confirmed

23rd July



Meetings Programme 2022 -2023

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month

7.30pm - 9.30pm

The Denbigh Room, Lutterworth Town Hall, Lutterworth


Writing for the tasks should be a maximum of 1000 words and can be in any style (Short Story, Flash Fiction, Poetry etc. unless otherwise stated)


27th September




Write a piece of Flash Fiction, subject / title

'The AGM'

(Max 250 words)


25th October

The Fall

Write a story about 'The Fall' which can be any type of fall that you wish! Max 1000 words in any style

22nd November

"Dad, why didn't you tell me this before"

Write in any style using the above phrase somewhere within it.

(Maximum 1000 words)

(Short story, poem flash fiction etc)

13th December 2022

Christmas Writing Games

Join us for Christmas writing games and bring along some festive food for our Christmas celebrations

24th January


Write in the Genre of Fantasy using any style you like (short story, poem, flash fiction)

Max 1000 words

28th February

Flash Fiction​

Write a piece of Flash fiction in the style of Crime /Thriller writing (max 250 words)

Plus the launch of our annual Short Story Competition

28th March 

I'Guest Speaker Evening

Wayne Kelly 

Writer / Producer

'Big Screen Writing Concepts'

Closing date for our Short Story Competition

22nd April

Writers Workshop


Jo Derrick

Jo Derrick will lead our half day Workshop on Settings, Point of View & Use of Dialogue


1pm - 5pm


Cost : £15.00

Includes Tea & Coffee

Bring your own lunch


Places limited so book today to avoid disappointment




25th April

Annual Short Story

Competition Results

Adjudicated by

Steve Bowkett

30th May

Long Live The King....

Take this statement and write however you wish in any style

(Short story, poem etc)

(max 1000 words)

27th June

Guess The Author

Bring along a piece of writing on the theme of

'Summer Fete' OR 'Summer Fate', Max 500 words

Print off the story, don't put your name on it, then stories will be swapped and read blind with everyone trying to guess who has written what!

With a small prize for who guesses most correctly.

Meal Out

Cheiko's Restaurant



25th July

Meetings Programme 2021 - 2022

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month

7.30pm - 9.30pm

The Denbigh Room, Lutterworth Town Hall, Lutterworth


Writing for the tasks should be a maximum of 1000 words and can be in any style (Short Story, Flash Fiction, Poetry etc. unless otherwise stated)

28th September





We will write on the night to the title 'My lockdown highs, lows and inbetweens'

26th October


A Ghost Story



As it's nearly halloween write a ghost story in any style you wish (max 1000 words)

23rd November


'Sparks will fly'



Write a story in any style you like with the title 'Sparks will fly"

(max 1000 words)

14th December 2021

'On the first day of Christmas'


Write in any style you like, starting with the line:

On the first day of Christmas my ............................ said to me

(Max 500 words)


Stories will be swapped and read blind with a prize for whoever can guess the most correct writers

Bring along some festive food, tea & coffee will be provided

25th January 2022

22nd February 2022

22nd March


26th April


Write a Short Story made up entirely of Dialogue



No he said, she said, no descriptions, just dialogue.  Max 1000 words, any subject, no poetry or flash fiction





Write a story about any type of relationship

(max 1000 words, any style)



Launch of our annual Short Story Competition

Members Talks Evening


Group members talking about their different writing experiences from getting an agent to self publishing and everything in-between



Closing date for of our annual Short Story Competition

Annual Short Story Competition Results


Adjudicated by

Lilian Butterwick

14th May 2022

Writing Workshop

10am - 2pm



'How I Understand Story, Narrative Structure and its Interactions with Character - A Writer's Journey'



Dave Martin



24th May 2022

Science Fiction



Write a story in any style you like in the Genre of Science Fiction

(Max 1000 words)

28th June 2022

Write on the Night



Write a paragraph and pass it on for the story to be continued!

Bring along a few snacks, nibbles to enjoy during the evening


Meetings Programme 2020 -2021




Meetings are currently held online on Zoom but will return to in person as soon as we are able 

Meetings typically run from 7.30pm - 9.30pm


Writing for the tasks should be a maximum of 1000 words and can be in any style (Short Story, Flash Fiction, Poetry etc.)



22nd September 2020



Writing Task: 1000 words on the topic of The Lockdown

27th October 2020

Talk by local writer Madeline Morgan

24th November 2020

Short Story Competition results and adjudication by Mary Byrne

8th December 2020

Writing Games

Bring your own Christmas nibbles!

26th January 2021

Imagine yourself in the future


Write a diary entry for January 2026

23rd February 2021

Out of your comfort zone


Write in a genre you've never tried before

23rd March


Work in progress


Bring something to share with the group that you are currently working on

27th April




Re write the given paragraphs to show different emotions,  show don't tell

25th May

Learning from the Experts


Choose an extract from a book to read to the group that inspires you or you particularly enjoy

22nd June


End of year meeting via ZOOM


Writing Games

27th July


Tea and Cake in the Garden


Liz, Chairperson of Lutterworth Writers Group will be holding an open afternoon in her garden for group members, past and present to get together in person, weather and COVID permitting!

Venue details will be e mailed to the group

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